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RSS Authority Sniper Review – 5min seo trick brings 47k visitors

RSS Authority Sniper Review – 5min seo trick brings 47k visitors

RSS Authority Sniper

What is RSS Authority Sniper?

RSS Authority Sniper is the content marketer and blogger’s solution to generating REAL human traffic to a blog, website, or affiliate site.

Using RSS Authority Sniper your subscribers will:

  • Legally STEAL the authority of websites that are larger, more established and are already loved by Google to get higher rankings.
  • QUICKLY rank naturally for hundreds of new longtail keywords, bringing even more visitors to your content.
  • Get new content indexed and funneling search traffic to websites FAST

Rss-Authority-Sniper_ReviewRSS Authority Sniper Overview

Vendor: Lisa Allen
Product: RSS Authority Sniper
Launch Date 2013-09-12
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
Official Website: Visit Official Website RSS Authority Sniper
Bonus: Yes – Clicking here
Niche: Software

RSS Authority Sniper Main Feature:

  • An amazingly flexible Adobe Air application that works on both Mac and PC.
  • A unique Research Tool & Keyword Feed Scraper that finds highly targeted authority site feeds with high Page Rank and influence with Google to piggyback your content on.
  • A Feed Aggregator Tool that automates the creation of aggregated high authority content feeds that also contain your content using Yahoo Pipes.
  • A Quick Indexing Tool that automates the burning of the authority content feeds to Feed burner so that Google will send out its army of bots to crawl your content in minutes.
  • A RSS Feed Submitter that submits feeds to 25 main RSS feed directories with relevant keywords.
  • The ability to easily search for, preview, and select authority feeds inside the application with just a few keystrokes.
  • Automatically scrape many highly trusted authority domain feeds by type, including YouTube channels, Video channels, Pinterest boards, and Blogs from Google Blogs Search.
  • Send Yahoo & Feed burner authority content feeds to a ping service that uses 104 random ping servers to notify search engines of your content – no footprint mass ping tool.
  • RSS Authority Sniper also supports unlimited Yahoo Pipes & Feedburner Accounts, as well as getting post/feed info for WordPress and Blogger blog content.
  • Easily move from step to step, to implement the whole strategy from ONE central place in less than 5 minutes.
  • Designed BY an end user, FOR end users, so it’s easy to understand and use.

RSS Authority Sniper Review

Just a quick heads up today about something going on you need to see. This will make a massive difference in your site traffic & rankings
Because I learned just a few days ago

There is a sneaky, backdoor, but 100% legal method for getting quick rankings. A technique that video marketers have been using in secret to get massive FAST results ranking videos. But up till now, NO ONE has been leveraging this strategy for blogs & websites But my friend Lisa Allen found a way to make the strategy work for any blog or website And to test it, she’s been running a HUGE six-month case study– with crazy results Using this one strategy on her blog Lisa has grabbed more than 47k EXTRA visitors in just six months. And that’s not all. She routinely OUTRANKS the content her articles quote from and is ranked for 2453 targeted keywords

The one bad thing about this strategy is it takes TIME to do by hand, and her virtual assistant was getting grumpy

So she took the strategy & TRANSFORMED it into an awesome piece of software getting the same results in just 5 minutes…

Just a few of the awesome traffic pulling features:

-gets content indexed fast using FREE services (Lisa gets search visitors to new content within hours, not weeks.)

-Boosts your content authority profile for SKY HIGH google trust using Other People’s Authority

-increases relevance for laser targeted niche rankings using Other People’s Content (Lisa has hit page one in 8 days after posting new content)

-creates a massive announcement echo bringing search engines and visitors running.

Plus it’s no-brainer EASY to use And 100% White hat, no footprint

No more buying spammy backlinks on fiverr (Save tons of money!) or wasting hours commenting on forums Just awesome profit boosting RESULTS.

How About The OTO OF RSS Authority Sniper?

RSS Authority Sniper OTO #1 – Curation Traffic Blueprint

Content curation master blueprint showing how to create massive amounts of content quickly and consistently, and tactics to get that traffic to your offers. The most complete curation training out there. Won JVZoo Product of the day in June 2013.

RSS Authority Sniper OTO #2 – Curation Private Coaching Webinars

Advanced content curation mastermind and coaching including four special webinars.

Thanks for reading my short review RSS Authority Sniper blog. To Download RSS Authority Sniper, Please click the button below:

RSS Authority Sniper Review

Please check my HUGE Bonus Package at here!

RSS Authority Sniper Review

To your success online!

David Quan

Keyword Organizer Software
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