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EZ FB Squeezey Review – WordPress Plugin

EZ FB Squeezey Review – How to keep your traffic on Facebook

EZ FB Squeezey Review

Well come to my EZ FB Squeezey Review

Are you using Facebook ads in your business? If you are, you know how important it is to keep the traffic within Facebook.

You will literally be paying the HIGH Facebook tax if you do not find a way to keep your traffic on Facebook.

So where should you send the traffic – to a fan page tab?  Not Always the easiest thing to do.

I have been marketing with Facebook ads for 2+ years now and until I discovered this plugin I would literally be tearing my hair out
every time I tried to set up a good squeeze page on FB.  Everything else was just soooo technical and confusing.

It is just a maddening experience!

What is EZ FB Squeezey Review?

EZ FB Squeezey Review is a WordPress plugin that allows anyone to easily create squeeze pages that can be loaded inside of a Facebook Fan Page tab so one can drive traffic and capture leads.  Of course the pages are also stand alone so one can drive traffic to an external URL and collect leads as well.

EZ FB Squeezey Overview

Vendor: Matt Stefanik
Product: EZ FB Squeezey Review
Launch Date: 2013-08-21
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
Official Website: Go to the Official Website
Bonus: Yes – Clicking here
Niche: Software , WordPress Plugin

EZ FB Squeezey Main Features:

  • EZ FB Squeezey reviewAbility to collect Name, Phone, & Email
  • Ability to collect just Name & Email
  • Ability to collect just Email
  • Ability to Register via Facebook (100% quality emails)
  • Ability to turn on Exit Redirect
  • Ability to open New Tab on Form Submit (for FB tabs)
  • Ability to display full page Background Images
  • Ability to add Video
  • Ability to add Custom Logo’s, Headers, & Graphics
  • Ability to add Footer Links
  • Ability to add a Spam Notice
  • Ability to Create Unlimited Squeeze Pages
  • Ability to Customize without Design Skills
  • Connect with ANY Autoresponder Service
  • Squeeze Pages Fit Perfectly in Smart Phones & Tablets
  • Multi-Site Available for Multiple Domains
  • And much more….

How EZ FB Squeezey Work?

Step 1 : Install the plugin and activate it with your unique license code.

Step 2 : Choose your options, colors, and add your text(or image or video).

Step 3 : Paste in your autoresponder form code.

Step 4 : Create a new page in WordPress and select your newly created squeeze page.

Step 5 : Publish your page. Done!

This simple, five-step process will take just minutes to complete, and gives you a professional-looking opt-in form for a fraction of the cost of other solutions.

The best part?….

You can literally repeat this process 5, 50, 100, or as many times you want to create an unlimited number of different squeeze pages!

How much EZ FB Squeezey Price?

EZ FB Squeezey have 3 option in price:

  • EZ FB Squeezey Single Site license : $27
  • EZ FB Squeezey Multi Site license : $37
  • EZ FB Squeezey Developer’s License : $67

About the OTO Of EZ FB Squeezey (One Time Offer):

After the front end sale, Vendor of EZ FB Squeezey will be offering access to their Facebook Traffic and Facebook Marketing Training material located in the private member’s area.  The training will consist of multiple video tutorials ranging from basic training, such as how to create a fan page, to very advanced training, such as how to target custom audiences with your pay-per-click ads. EZ FB Squeezey with OTO price : $97.

How about the bonus Of EZ FB Squeezey Review?

  1. Bonus from EZ FB Squeezey product :
    1. Essential Guide to Sales Funnels:“If You Don’t Currently Have Your Own Sales Funnel Then You’re Missing Out on a LOT of Sales! I’ll Show You Why You MUST Use Sales Funnels In Your Online Business and Guide You Through Exactly What To Include In Yours…”
    2. Squeeze Pages Exposed:“Every Internet marketing guru in the world will tell you that your profit is in your list of subscribers and, without a list, you will not have a business. That statement is true and scary enough all by itself to drive you to find solutions, especially if you do not know what a squeeze page is or what to do with it after you get one.”
    3. Headlines That Sell: Copywriting, for the uninitiated, is the art of using sales copy to persuade readers to become buyers. In this guide, we will focus on the most important part of any piece of sales copy: the headline. In chapter 1, we will briefly consider what should go into a good headline. And in chapter 2, I will give you an exhaustive list of “fill-in-the-blanks” headlines for all occasions.
  2. Bonus from me : See bonus now

Conclusion Of EZ FB Squeezey Review

EZ FB Squeezey DownloadEZ FB Squeezey is is a WordPress plugin that allows anyone to easily create squeeze pages that can be loaded inside of a Facebook Fan Page tab so one can drive traffic and capture leads. this plugin is so cool and very awesome!

A simple to use plugin that takes 10 minutes or less to set up, and allows you to easily create beautiful, professional looking squeeze pages which fit perfectly in a Facebook tab (say goodbye to scroll bars) as well as in smart phones, tablets, and even stand alone!

The all-in-one solution has arrived!

Thanks for reading my EZ FB Squeezey Review Blog. To download “EZ FB Squeezey” please Get instant Access the button below:

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Wish you have success online!

David Quan

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